Friday, December 27, 2019

Online Learning Vs. Online Education - 2152 Words

Every year of each semester, very large numbers of students in the US take at least one online class during their schooling period (The future 2). Besides â€Å"†¦that some U.S. states are now requiring young people to take a least one online course during their schooling† (Loertscher, Koechlin 50). In 2006, these numbers of students took classes online were estimated about 3.5 million. ( 2). Back in the 1980s, online learning limited only on previously recorded videos and some old tapes have been used for some time and among other things(2), but online learning has increased with the pace of 21st Century technological development. Some schools in US and abroad, entirely offer its classes online only and other schools have both online learning and the ultimate traditional methods as well. In addition to that, the technological advancement has been stimulating online learning with more innovation in the way it is seen now than before. For instance, there are some nonprofit institutions are providing online learning for student such as, provides free online courses in Computers, Healthcare, and Accounting, and others. Some people are implying that, the most inspiring thing about the online learning, is it has more options than the traditional methods. Particularly to those who have limited time, and others people. The technological advancements, have given online learning a place on the horizon with other learning methods. Online learning has been demonstrated throughShow MoreRelatedOnline Learning Vs. Online Education1372 Words   |  6 PagesOnline education is growing in popularity as more colleges and universities offer alternative enrollment programs. While there may be advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages, especially for those who may face obstacles in pursuing a college education. Online education can be an alternative means to classroom instruction. Online instruction allows st udents to have a flexible schedule while taking college courses. Moreover, flexibility and convenienceRead MoreTraditional Classroom Learning Vs. Online Education2355 Words   |  10 PagesVs. Online Education Pauline Nguyen English 240 Professor Jawad Ali Traditional Classroom Learning Vs. Online Education Education is becoming one of the most essential things in a person’s life. Nowadays, many individuals are looking to go the extra mile and further their education. This is because numerous employers require a degree and a significant amount of experience in order to become eligible for certain occupations. The next question to consider is how to go about this. YoungerRead MoreOnline Learning Vs. Traditional Classroom Education1660 Words   |  7 Pagescomfort of your home or even your pajamas. The idea of attending school online and at personal convenience is an option that many high school and college students have difficulty passing up. In today’s education system, students have the option to attend school in a traditional classroom setting or attend online in the comfort of their own homes. Both options have their benefits. However, in most cases, a traditional classroom education better prepares students K-12 for their futures by encouraging self-disciplineRead Mor eThe Debate: Online Learning Versus Brick and Mortar Learning1540 Words   |  7 PagesDegree I knew I wanted to continue my education but traditional classroom learning constraints was not going to work for me. When my daughter started college and I found out that she was taking online courses that was accredited I soon realized this maybe the opportunity I was looking for. I did some research and found an accredited school that offered a Bachelors Degree through online learning. I received my Bachelors Degree and graduated with honors taking online classes in less time than the traditionalRead MorePreserving the Learning Process682 Words   |  3 Pagesamong experts that traditional learning is the best way of preserving learning process, but other models are beginning to gain attention and respect, with distance learning leading the way. When comparing learning an equal course in a traditional framework to a online learning framework, students often express higher satisfac tion from the online learning, and rate the learning as more successful than the traditional framework. It has also been argued that on line learning is more efficient and interactiveRead MoreOn-Line Teaching vs Traditional Teaching1302 Words   |  6 PagesTeaching vs Online Teaching Nowadays, education becomes one of the important things in human life. Most of the individual in the earth is aware to obtain the education. Besides that, every country always concern on developing the quality of the education to improve the human resources. If the quality of human resources of a country is good, indeed, the quality of that country will be good too. As the matter of fact, we cannot deny that the improvement of technology really influence the education itselfRead MoreOnline Education vs Traditional Education1666 Words   |  7 PagesOnline Education vs. Traditional Education Nowadays, with the technology furtherance and the increased use of the internet, online education has gained significant acceptance and popularity all over the world. Not too long ago, online education offered no competition to traditional education .Today, with more choices being offered online, traditional education is now facing a number of challenges in every level. This has as a result, the competition between those two educational programs, havingRead MoreDifference Between Online Education And Traditional Education822 Words   |  4 PagesOnline Education vs Traditional Education Education plays a very important role in our society nowadays. For this reason, we now have more options in how we can get our education from different colleges and universities. The two different ways Americans can receive their education is through online education or traditional education. For many students having this option helps them to be successful in college and pursue their career goals. In this essay, I will point out the differences and similaritiesRead MoreOnline Education Vs. Traditional Education1221 Words   |  5 PagesBenefits of Online Education Factions and supporters of online education express many advantages of online education compared to old-style classroom instruction. First, enrollment options are offered to each student to study online for most degree plans, with a flexible enrollment option and from any location, free from a competitive student classroom environment (Frame et al., 2015). Second, online education provides the student the option to work their assignments from home or any location atRead MoreOnline vs Traditional Campus Degree Essay examples667 Words   |  3 PagesOnline vs Traditional Campus Degree English Composition ENG 121 â€Æ' Online vs Traditional Campus Degree Adults looking to return to school to obtain a degree have many things to consider. Two main items to think about are online learning VS traditional on campus classes. Although both of these are alike in many ways, there are advantages and disadvantages to each one. It helps when making this decision to look at all the pros and cons. By doing this it will aid the perspective student in making

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Contemporary Art And Art Theory Of Africa And Asia At Soas...

Frantz Fanon discusses collective catharsis, â€Å"In every society, in every community, there exists, must exist, a channel, an outlet whereby the energy accumulated in the form of aggressiveness can be released.†This is the inspiration for my curatorial practice. As a curator, community organizer, first generation Caribbean-American and New York City native, my curatorial work seeks to foster resistance and empowerment with oppressed communities. I seek to do this by cultivating spaces for collective catharsis and critical discourse, becoming the catalyst for radical action. A passion for Justice by every means necessary is at the root of my desire to study Contemporary Art and Art Theory of Africa and Asia at SOAS. Art is one of global society’s most fluid tools for justice and equity. Working as an Arts Administrator for the Bronx Council on the Arts, I’ve further realized the significance the arts have historically had and continue to have as ancillary support for failing institutions. This is of utmost importance to me because I am interested in the many ways art forms and art objects have been used historically in African cultures to solve conflicts or answer questions. As well as how Contemporary African art (of the diaspora and the continent) can be used to solve the conflicts of today, and lead to liberatory futures for the Africans of all nations. BODY 1 While studying Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design at the Fashion Institute of Technology, StateShow MoreRelatedChina in Africa Essay20116 Words   |  81 Pagesnews from the Nordic Africa Institute from the Nordic Africa Institute numBer 3 novemBer 2007 from the contents china and Africa Fantu Cheru theme: AfricAn Agriculture Agriculture and the World Bank Atakilte Beyene Property rights Kjell Havnevik Tor A. Benjaminsen Espen Sjaastad inequality and climate change contents to our reAders AfricAn Agriculture 1 3 november 2007 Carin Norberg African agriculture and the World Bank: development or impoverishment? AtakilteRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 PagesYou now have all the material for an excellent SWOT (strengths/weaknesses, opportunities/threats) analysis. Pull together the earlier identiï ¬ cation of opportunities and threats (step 5) with the internal analysis you have done. This resources-based, theory-oriented system gives you a powerful vocabulary to describe what simpler systems call ‘strengths’, and the other elements of the system allow you to systematically identify other signiï ¬ cant factors in the mix. STEP 11 CURRENT S T R AT E G IRead MoreErp Sap Research Paper46896 Words   |  188 PagesHall ® is a registered trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Education LTD. Education Singapore, Pte. Ltd Education, Canada, Ltd Education-Japan Pearson Education Australia P T Y, Limited Pearson Education North Asia Ltd Pearson Educaci6n de Mexico, S.A. de C. V. Pearson Education Malaysia, Pte. Ltd. PEARSON Prentice Hall nï ¿ ½t f ï ¿ ½ r This book is bution In sale or distri Canada. the U.S.A. or 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-233531-7 ISBN-I0: 0-13-233531-X

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Deregulation Essay Example For Students

Deregulation Essay Deregulation of the U.S. airline industry has resulted in ticket prices dropping by a third, on an inflation-adjusted basis. As a result some 1.6 million people fly on 4,000 aircraft every day. Airlines carried 643 million passengers in 1998, a 25% increase over 1993 and the FAA estimates that the nations airline system will have to accommodate 917 million passengers by the year 2008. The growth in air travel threatens to overwhelm the presently inadequate air traffic control system, which has not kept pace with available technology in navigation, communications, and flight surveillance. Much of the equipment used for air traffic control today is based on fifty-year-old technology; for example, analog simplex voice links for communications and ground-based radar for surveillance, and VHF Omnidirectional Range/Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/DME) for navigation. The lack of system automation imposes heavy workloads on human air traffic controllers and increases the risk of accidents in heavy traffic situations. Capacity limits are being reached in both airports and airspace, with congestion delays in departure and arrival schedules reaching record numbers. Funds to upgrade the air traffic control system are available in the trust fund created to receive the tax applied to airline passenger tickets and the tax on fuel for general aviation. The General Accounting Office says modernizing the air traffic control system will cost at least 17 billion for just the first 5 years of the FAAs 15-year National Airspace System improvement plan. It is the NAS that provides the services and infrastructure for air transportation. Air transportation represents 6% of the Nations gross domestic product, so the NAS is a critical element of our national economy. Given the size of the NAS, the task ahead is enormous. Our NAS includes more than 18,300 airports, 21 air route traffic control centers, over 460 air traffic control towers and 75 flight service stations, and approximately 4,500 air navigation faciliti es. The NAS spans the country, extends into the oceans, and interfaces with neighboring air traffic control systems for international flights. The NAS relies on approximately 30,000 FAA employees to provide air traffic control, flight service, security, and field maintenance services. More than 616,000 active pilots operating over 280,000 commercial, regional, general aviation and military aircraft use the NAS. On March 11, 1999, the FAA released the NAS Architecture Version 4.0 to the public. Key influences on the architecture include the 1996 White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security, which recommended that the FAA accelerate modernization of the NAS, and the 1997 National Civil Aviation Review Commission, which recommended funding and performance management methods for implementing NAS modernization. It describes the agencys modernization strategy from 1998 through 2015. Based on the Free Flight operational concept, Version 4.0 contains capabilities, technologies, an d systems to enhance the safety of the aviation system and provide users and service providers with more efficient services. Free Flight centers on allowing pilots, whenever practical, to choose the optimum flight profile. This concept of operations is expected to decrease user costs, improve airspace flexibility, and remove flight restrictions. The NAS Architecture is divided into three modernization phases and its implementation is being synchronized with the International Civil Aviation Organization to ensure interoperability and global integration. ?h Phase 1 (1998-2002) focuses on sustaining essential air traffic control services and delivering early user benefits. Free Flight Phase 1 will be implemented. Controller computer workstations will begin major upgrades. Satellite-based navigation systems will be deployed, and air-to-air surveillance will be introduced. The Year 2000 computer problem will hopefully be fixed. ?h Phase 2 (2003-2007) concentrates on deploying the next generation of communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS) equipment and the automation upgrades necessary to accommodate new CNS capabilities. Satellite-based navigation systems will be further augmented in local areas for more precise approaches. New digital radios that maximize the spectrum channels will be installed. As users equip, automatic dependent surveillance ground equipment will be installed to extend air traffic control surveillance services to non-radar areas. Tools from Phase 1 will be deployed throughout the NAS and upgraded as necessary. Vietnam Veterans Memorial EssayFree Flight Phase 1New tools that give controllers, planners and service operators more complete information about air traffic control and flight operations comprise a large part of the NAS Architectures near-term plan. Some of these tools are embodied in a program called Free Flight Phase 1 Select Capability/Limited Deployment. The Free Flight 1 tools are:?h User request evaluation tool/core capability limited deployment (URET CCLD) ?V an automated tool that assists en route controllers in identifying conflicts up to 20 minutes in advance of their occurrence. ?h Traffic management advisor (TMA) single center ?V an automated tool that assists en route radar controllers with sequencing aircraft to terminal areas. ?h Passive final approach spacing tool (pFAST) ?V an automated tool designed to work in conjunction with TMA to help controllers assign runways and sequence aircraft according to user preferences and airport capacity. ?h Collaborative decision-making (CDM) ?V a real-time exchange of flight plan and system constraints data between the FAA and airline operations centers in order to work collaboratively to better manage NAS traffic. ?h Surface movement advisor (SMA) ?V a system that provides information sharing to airline and airport personnel who plan and manage the sequence of taxi out and plan for arrivals in the ramp and gate areas at larger airports. Automation InfrastructureFree Flight Phase 1 tools and other future tools depend on infrastructure improvements already underway, such as the display system replacement (DSR), standard terminal automation replacement system (STARS) and host/oceanic computer system replacement (HOCSR), to operate. DSR provides new controller workstations and a network infrastructure for the air route traffic control centers (ARTCC). DSR has the capability to show weather data from the next generation weather radar. STARS is the new terminal workstation that will interface with the new sequencing and spacing tools and the advanced communications, navigation, surveillance and weather systems. HOCSR replaces the host and oceanic processors and peripherals at the ARTCCs to solve immediate hardware supportability problems. Since the early 1980s, efforts by the FAA to modernize the air traffic control system have experienced lengthy schedule delays and substantial cost overruns. There is a belief held by many that the above procurement and personnel reforms, while useful, are not likely to change the FAAs bureaucratic corporate culture. And they do not address the inherent problems of the ATC system being part of the federal budget process, subject to external micromanagement, and subject to a conflict of interest between safety regulation and ATC operations. They believe the United States should follow the example of Britain, Germany, Switzerland and most recently, Canada, in fundamentally restructuring air traffic control. It is their opinion that a not-for-profit user-controlled, user-funded corporation is the best way to address the ATC systems fundamental problems. We find ourselves with a system that currently runs on obsolete and failure-prone equipment such as 1960s mainframe computers, equipment dependent on vacuum tubes, and radar between twenty and thirty years old. The FAA maintains safety margins by artificially increasing the spacing between flights, imposing ground holds and using other techniques that reduce system capacity. The airlines alone waste $3 billion a year in fuel and crew time due to the delays. Wasted passenger time is estimated at several billion dollars more. The FAAs National Airspace System Architecture Version 4.0 looks very impressive on paper, but given their track record in regards to modernization, maybe we should be looking at alternatives to a thinly stretched bureaucracy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Fifth Child By Lessing And N free essay sample

? The Fifth Child? By Lessing And? ? N? Is For Noose? By Grafton Essay, Research Paper Conflict is an built-in portion of a literary work. Many writers use struggle as a technique to assist the reader experience precisely what the character is traveling through in he/she # 8217 ; s internal conflicts and battles. Both of the fictional pieces, # 8220 ; The Fifth Child # 8221 ; by Doris Lessing and # 8220 ; # 8217 ; N # 8217 ; Is For Noose # 8221 ; by Sue Grafton, contain important struggles between characters which are brought out through the usage of many scenarios within the novels. The novel, # 8220 ; The Fifth Child # 8221 ; takes topographic point in London during the late 1960 # 8217 ; s. David and Harriet Lovatt are a merrily married twosome who reside with their four beautiful kids in an tremendous place on the grassy outskirts of town. The Lovatt # 8217 ; s are a closely knit household until the unnatural gestation and birth of a 5th kid, Benjamin. Ben is a strong, loud, violent yearling with an dismaying appetency. We will write a custom essay sample on The Fifth Child By Lessing And N or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Besides his actions, Ben is besides really different looking compared to the remainder of the Lovatt kids. Ben # 8217 ; s behaviour and attitude begin to destroy the household to the point where each of the kids are sent off to populate with relations and Harriet # 8217 ; s hubby wantonnesss her. Harriet is stuck with the internal struggle of taking between her newest boy and her hubby and other 4 kids. Harriet decides to acquire the best of both universes by directing Ben off to a physician to assist control and rectify his jobs, so her household can return place and experience safe one time once more. Sending off her ain flesh and blood starts eating at Harriet to the point where she takes Ben back place. She was astonished to happen out that Ben had non gotten any better ; he had really gotten worse. Ben was now fascinated with the local town pack and was involved in many robberies, colzas and violent Acts of the Apostless. Harriet feels like a failure as her effort to recover her # 8220 ; perfect household # 8221 ; was destroyed. The literary work # 8220 ; # 8216 ; N # 8217 ; is for Noose # 8221 ; took topographic point during the late 1980 # 8217 ; s in Southern California. Selma Newquist, a creaky wido tungsten, hired a private research worker named Kinsey Millhone to happen out the grounds behind the sudden decease of her late hubby Tom. Selma felt that something had been eating off at Tom right before his decease, and she was nosy to happen out what precisely it was so she could be at remainder with herself. Tom Newquist was a really good respected sheriff within the community of Nota Lake, so Kinsey was unable to happen any kind of negative information about him that might hold been of import. Finally, Kinsey gets a lead from Tom’s old desk blotting paper. The Numberss 2-18-1-14-20 were written in the underside, left corner of the desk tablet. Kinsey is puzzled at the significance of these Numberss but moves on calculating they every bit useless as the other scribbles dwelling of stickfigures and unnatural forms. One thing leads to another and Kinsey gets clasp of Tom’s blackbook. She discovers the instance that he was working on shortly before this decease was one from old ages ago in which two people were killed in the same mode ; both hung by a noose. Kinsey is shortly brought back to the codification on Tom’s desk. She is unrelentingly seeking different codifications, fiting up letters to Numberss, and discovers the codification spells out B-R-A-N-T ; Selma and Tom’s boy. The Numberss in the codification besides match up to the day of the months in which the two work forces were hung. Kinsey is startled by the find that Tom’s ain boy was the slayer and shortly after, Brant came place. Kinsey heard him lading a gun and shortly as he appeared at the door, she shot him down, before he could kill anyone else. Selma returned that flushing to happen out that her boy was now besides dead and had to populate in more struggle within herself than of all time before. Conflict is a major component in literary plants that a batch of the clip is the high point of the secret plan. In both # 8220 ; The Fifth Child # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; # 8217 ; N # 8217 ; is for Noose # 8221 ; , the chief characters are faced with internal struggles based on the actions of a loved 1. Both supporters fail in their efforts at success against the struggle and are led to more hurt in their feverish lives.